Thursday, February 23, 2012


Jeremiah 29 13-14 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord,.." Constantly seeking Jesus is something that has been key in staying in Gods will. One way I have been seeking is through knowledge of the scripture. Getting in His word. Reading what He has given me to point me to Him. I think the Word is the biggest tool the Spirit uses to enlighten us. As I grow closer to Jesus His love brings me more and more to His Word. By gaining more biblical knowledge I gain more knowledge of Jesus and with more knowledge of Jesus I better understand how to Love Him, and the more I love Him the more I want to know Him. Its a great cycle that I prey I remember. I have done so many things for Jesus because I love Him but now I realize that knowing Him is more important than anything I can "do" for Him. I mean think about it what if someone did so many things for you and said they did it because they "Loved" you but they never stopped doing things to just sit down and get to know you. Kind of a Martha and Mary kind of moment (Luke 10 starts in verse 38) Jesus care so much more about our relationship than he dose our works. This has helped me in my struggle with contentment as well, knowing that our relationship is more important than anything else, knowing that I need not stress on "what He wants me to do next" because He will tell me to move when I need to move, God will always communicate, its the status of our relationship that will determine how well I listen.  

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