Saturday, February 4, 2012

Meeting New People

I love meeting new people! I love hearing about their journey of how they got to where they are now and what they see for the future. Seeing people open up and making an effort to ask the questions they want to ask or just participating in conversation. If you know me you know what I'm talking about here when I say that I like to read people. Seeing their expressions and seeing how they react to questions or other people is exciting, getting to know someone is exciting for me. And really it never ends because as long as someone is growing they change, and that's just as exciting for me. Seeing change (hopefully good biblical change) is such a great thing to see. AHHHHH I just Love people and I thank God for the overflowing love he provides.

John 15:12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."

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