Monday, February 27, 2012


Well last week in one of my classes I had to write a poem. I had chosen the word contentment and so that was what the poem needed to be about. I wrote this poem with how this word applies to me now and to be honest I'm impressed with this poem. I've never really wrote poetry before but this might become something I do every once in a while. So here it is!


Beautiful hair kissed by the wind
A sun wormed body smooth and soft
She grasps my hand gentle and firm
Who is this that pulls me

She bites her lip and looks me in the eye
Looking into the soul of another
I see passion love and compassion
Strength in beauty even a love for God is present

I see a face but do not know
Why do I lust so hard
It is not my time I have been told
My mind is consumed with this future gift

Why am I not content
The Lord is more beautiful
The Lord fills me with more passion than lust
His love grace and peace holds tighter than any grip

Contentment in the Lord
Nothing can fill His place
The gift will be given the love will be had
Jesus is enough His gifts come in His will and timing

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