Sunday, February 12, 2012


"Its only radical because the world is so fallen and Christians have become lazy in their faith. It makes doing simply what we are supposed to do considered radical." This statement came out of my mouth yesterday. And I like it! Off the Wall had a big discussion on the word radical the other night and some good points came up. The main thing that jumped out at me was something that was said something like this (not exact quote) "its not so much "radical" as it is simply obedience." This made sense to me! We say be radical but what is looked at as radical is living a life like Christ! Like truly trying to live it! But is that not what we are called to as believers of Jesus Christ?!?! The bible dose not say to "get saved and live how you want because you have fire insurance from hell" NO! It tells us to be more like Christ and Believe in our Father! I pray that I be considered radical! That means I'm obeying my call and I'm striving to be more like Christ. "Take God out of my life and nothing I have done makes sense" I pray my choices and the way I live my life will be considered crazy because without the understanding of God they will not understand. Outside of God I would not have been able to live through all that I have experienced! With the things I have gone through I SHOULD NOT BE OK! If I would tell a psychologist my life they would look at me and be like "you should be seriously screwed up! You should be depressed and have major daddy issues!" I am filthy rags without Him but with Him I am whole and I am capable to do many great things through His will.

1st john 2:4-6 " Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked."

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