Friday, February 10, 2012

Just Good Days And Blessings

Today the guys and I went and helped out a music store in some modelling. It has been too long sense I could really get out there and do work with my hands, it was truly a blessing to be able to serve in that way. Manual labor has always been my favorite way to serve! I have been blessed with a great body that God has prepared to be strong and work. I knew from an early age that this labor was a way that as long as God kept me healthy I could serve Him by serving others. I felt so great and Joy, excitement raced through me and I hope it showed as much as I felt (I can kinda suck at that at times).

Another great part about serving with labor is all the people you meet. With volunteer labor comes some pretty fun characters and mostly old men. No joke physical service brings out the old men because they offer their wisdom and experience from their life. I love hearing how they learned what they are doing and I love working side by side with men who's experience is shown in their hands and faces. It truly is amazing who your working next to. To hear some of their adventure called life and see God's blessing in it. Hearing all the old jokes and just getting real encouragement from men who really get what encouragement is. Old men like these men know how a man wants to be talked to and if they see even a glimpse of a smile from you it seems they are satisfied. Sure they cant do as much, or get in the way at times, cause some tension because you are doing things differently than them but I would rather have one of these Old, fun, experienced men than 15 young strong guys here just to get it done. Because they get that the job is not nearly as important as our lives. And with Biblical old men they know the real importance is God.

All of this really brightened my day and reminded me of a gift of service that I had missed very much. I love how God, Jesus , and the Spirit work. I could write on this topic forever telling you stories of all the old men I have met through service labor and what God has shown me but there is not enough time in your attention span for me to keep on going so I'll just have to share some more later  

Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,"

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