Saturday, March 24, 2012


Psalm 47:1 says "Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!" 

This was the verse I read first thing this morning. And to be honest it is what was on my mind all day. For the past week or so singing to the Lord has been something has been uncontainable. The Spirit has really been bursting forth and riling up more joy than I have felt in a while. Some songs play and I literally cant stay still or be quiet! I have to move and sing out! Tonight Chris and I sat out on the porch and sang praises to our God. People passed, smiled at us but kept on their way. Others looked at us with much confusion, it was hysterical to see the puzzlement in their expression. Its nice having a bunch of guys who can play guitar in the house. All I need to do is get a cajon and the band is complete... Oh well I'll just slap my thighs until I get one. "SHOUT to GOD with LOUD songs of JOY!"

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