Friday, March 16, 2012


Well for the past week I have been living in this three floor house by myself.. so at night not gona lie this place gets creepy sometimes! So last night as I walked up the stares in the dark on my way to the light switch this came into my head, so after I got what I needed I wrote it down. Just a little poem

Fearless Light

This darkness why must I fear
This fear this darkness
Where dose it come from
It comes not from the Lord
So why do I fear

For I am a child of the light
Sent to illuminate the darkness 
Sent to stand atop a mountain
Sent to shine so bright that all who see have no choice but to look for the source
The source that is my Lord Jesus Christ 

The giver of grace
The giver of light that shines so bright it sends darkness into hiding
   Light that causes darkness to quiver
He the only one worthy of glory
For Him and because of Him I shine

This light no darkness can consume 
So what do I fear
Listen to the Lord your God 
Hear His Holy Spirit
Do not fear


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