Friday, March 2, 2012


Well this is my first post from my phone so thats kinda cool. Anyway I'm on a trip with my discipler and a few guys from the ministry and there are two things going on on this trip. One is our regular thing where my discipler go's up and speaks with a possibility of bringing one of us up to give our testimony or a small personal lesson that applies to the topic of the night. Then we have an extra workshop where we are explaining discipleship to youth leaders. Now thats the part I want to focus on. Its really interesting to be in this position. One in this workshop I am the example of a disciple. When explaining situations where things were difficult my discipleship is what these things are being tested. This has been a good reminder on the expectations and all the intentionality behind everything my discipler dose or says. "imitate me as I imitate Christ" as said in 1st Corinthians. Tonight I was reminded why I chose to submit and be discipled by Don Stubbs, because he was the most like Christ that I have seen so when being more like Christ is the end goal its great to have a Christ like discipler.

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