Thursday, March 15, 2012

Adventure Time With J

So this morning I was going to go running but when I got up it was raining... so I went back to bead. Soon to be awoken by sir Jay pounding on my door. It was a nice surprise to see him. After I invited him in he asked if I would like to hang out today and well HECK YES! I've been in this 3 floor house all by myself! Any excuse to get out and enjoy a friends company I'm taking it!

Any way he took me over to his place and made me breakfast and coffee. This was already a good start. We talked about how each other got connected with Off the Wall and talked about it's potential future. We talked about all kinds of theology and doctrine as well (if you know Jay you know what I'm talking about). After we ate he asked if I would like to go to the airport where he kept his plane and where they repaired and prepared missionary planes. Wasn't about to turn that down so we headed out. After checking the weather we went over to where he stored his plane and he asked if I wanted a ride, its gona be bumpy. Now this was a small 2 passenger single prop plane... I LOVE RIDING IN THOSE THINGS!! You feel everything all the wind and well I'm a bit of an adrenalin junky so the sketchier the better! Now to make things clear there was nothing wrong with his plane, perfect shape and working fully. It was just a small plane on a semi windy day (for my mother who reading this was probably freaking out about the line above here). It was so great to get up in the sky again. This was my third trip in a small plane and I love it every time. There is just something about seeing this place from a higher prospective. not only seeing the beauty but also seeing how small this spot of dirt we all stand on is. It brings a lovely prospective. Well after we landed Jay gave me a tour and we went around looking at all the planes and talking to various people.

After we left there we went back to his place had some humbling target shooting with his pistol (AKA I SUCK AT HITTING A HAND SIZE TARGET WITH THAT THING) he took me home. It was a nice day. I really learned something about Jay today, he really loves sharing his wisdom and knowledge. Really weather it be directions to how to get where, where to buy what, whats going on where, and most of all what he knows about the bible. He loves taking what he has discovered and sharing it with all who will listen. I like that about Jay. Hes someone that I like having biblical discussion with and I love that if its a hard issue he dosent beat around the bush so to speak. I'm thankful for Jay here at Off the Wall as our Biblical training director.

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