Monday, April 16, 2012

This Guy is like Cake!

Last night Tal a great new friend of mine invited me and Chris to a show that was in a giant studio apartment. This place was possibly the coolest place I have ever been. Wide open space, rough looking walls kinda broken down, rustic looking, a busted piano in a corner, and lamps as stage lighting. There was maybe 25 people there and let me tell ya this crowd was crazy diverse. There was hipsters, bearded lumberjacks, stoners, drinkers, hippies, cool people with no real description of their style, and people that just looked crazy. This night was nothing short of a experience.

The greatest part of this night was just letting go. Letting go and not caring what I looked like. We all just danced like nobody cared, because really nobody did. We all let go because this man Calvin Johnson. This man was the lead singer of the final band and he was the strangest of us all. Before his band performed he wondered the entire show wearing these earmuffs and just kinda acting strange. When we found out he was the lead singer for the final band we all got excited to hear what music could possibly come out of this man, pure curiosity and excitement. When the moment finally came we were blown away. If you know the band Cake you have something to compare this man to. It was fantastic music and the environment he created was pure happiness and acceptance. Chris put it best when he said "who cares what you look like when this guy is dancing and acting like this!" This mans dance moves can only be described as silly and free. Think of all those dance moves you made up as a kid and now think of an adult doing them. Ha ha it was great his great act of foolishness made us all comfortable to dance like we wanted because simply put we could not dance funnier than this guy. This night was so much fun and I will never forget it.

After we left the show Chris and I thought about Jesus coming there. We think Jesus would go to places like this, where there people are lost but accept others. A place were people are really just trying to find happiness in really a peaceful way. We couldn't figure out what He would have done there exactly ha ha, we don't know if he would have stopped the show or enjoyed the performance and shared a message of true life to them after the show. We don't know, but what we do know is these places are hard to find among christian circles. This level of acceptance and lack of self consciousness. Everyone today is to afraid of looking like a fool! and because of this boldness is lacking these days. I see it even in myself there are so many things I don't do because "I'll look funny" and to be honest thats not okay! "Since we have such a hope, we are very bold" is said in 2nd Corinthians 3. We are not of this world any way so we already look and act strange to the worlds eyes so why do we fear? Fear not and learn from these people have compassion and dern it don't be afraid to let loose and dance every once in a while!

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