Monday, April 9, 2012


God has been pushing my obedience and my faith lately. It has me in a crazy emotional state and really its a painful process. I'm being guided to decisions without explanation or illumination of the plan ahead. For a while it made me mad with God, but the difference was I still wanted to be obedient. The reality is God's will is above my own and His will is better. Even if at this moment I'm not happy with this decision because I selfishly want immediate satisfaction. I wish I could say that I just easily gave it to God and was at full peace with His will and truly satisfied with waiting. The reality is my heart breaks and this situation is hard, my desire is strong and my emotion overflows. But the truth is God is bigger than this, and His will is above and better than my own. One day I believe He will honor my obedience and I will be blessed, this suffering will be reworded. I Love Jesus and I have given my life to Him and sometimes I need to remind myself of that. He will bring me my blessings in the proper time, all He requests is obedience. All of our decisions have consequences even the decision to fallow His will.

I will be okay, God is good And Jesus is greater.

I'm no longer mad at God. I cant see where this plan leads, besides the broad term of His glory. Witch there is nothing wrong with that I need to be satisfied with that answer. I may may know why these things happen in the future but there is also a possibility that I will never be given an explanation. You know what I don't need one. I trust in faith that Jesus is who He says He is and that His spirit will guide me and continue my sanctification. 

Psalm 31:14 "But I trust in you, O Lord I say, “You are my God.”

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