Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Love

I Love loving Jesus with friends

I Love connecting with people

I Love meeting new people

I Love seeing that someone cares about me

I love to be pushed

I Love the Word and its impact on my life

I Love my teachers

I Love what God provides

I Love where He moves me

I Love that He will bring me back

I Love Joy

I Love God's will and not my own

Thank you Jesus for all that you have given me, friends, family, and your word. I know I leave this place for but a little while and I thank you that I will return. Thank you for the mission of this summer and I pray that glory, honor, and praise be lifted to you as I do the work you have given me.

"Oh how He Loves us!"- How He Loves, David Crowder Band

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Joy and Maturity

I know this may sound strange but I'm really proud of what I have become. It is truly amazing to look at my transformation through Jesus Christ. Seeing my changed thoughts, attitudes, views, perspectives, anything the Lord will's to change. I'm changing because I have deeper understanding of the Word, more knowledge of who Jesus is, and a biblical community of friends(now family). Through all of these I was revealed a deeper Love and Joy never before felt or expressed in my life.

My Love for people and especially children has grown parallel with my deeper Love for Jesus. Witch I think is Biblical in reference to the two greatest commandments  Mat 22: 36-40 "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” Our Love for humanity as a whole should be looked at through the eyes of Jesus! He Loves us without conditions! I Love Loving people!(yeah I know that sounds funny). Really I do I'm at my happiest and filled with Joy when I'm Loving people. When I'm playing with children, when I'm talking to that person who's hard to understand, when I'm taking that neighbor blankets because I noticed he had no bedding to sleep on, I'm most happy when I'M BEING OBEDIENT!

I've really had a revelation with Joy! For some reason before I didn't understand Joy. I barely knew the difference between Joy and happiness. I was told they were different but never really had it explained to me until I understood (for a little more on what I learned about Joy look at my last blog). This year during trials I hung on to the Joy instead of quenching it. I was confident that Jesus was bigger and I believed in His promises. It made trials so much easier, I processed through them with reading the word, seeking and listening to biblical counsel, I tried to look at my trials through a biblical perspective. I looked at what the Word told me, reminded myself of truth, and shared my burden with my brothers and sisters. Keeping Joy gave me a clear head, I was able to work through these trials with as little damage in my wake as possible. Finding the wisest decision and confirming them with counsel, Joy is truly amazing. Having this reminder and some new lessons about Joy has really encouraged and strengthened me to do more.  I could wright more but I need to go to bed...

Psalm 16:11
"You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

Monday, April 16, 2012

Yup Joy

Well something is for sure and that is that God is workin in me to make me more like Him and His son Jesus Christ. Joy is an area that I needed encouragement in lately and happily the encouragement and challenge to have more Joy has been present. I friend told me the other day that she was praying for me to have and further understand Joy. I'm so happy I have this community that Jesus has brought me, the Spirit uses them often to help me become more like Christ. And tonight my discipler gave a lesson on Joy. It was exactly what I needed because my hold on Joy was weakening. I just wanted to share some little notes I took tonight, I don't want to go super in depth or give a lesson of my own on Joy I simply want to share a few reminders about Joy that I needed tonight.


 Its an attitude not a emotion. Its not a "feeling" but a choice to believe. 

Its knowing that all things are going to work out in the end regardless of the circumstances. 

Joy is not situational

Joy is a manifestation of Hope in Jesus

Joy is a fruit 

If we do not have Joy we are quenching the Spirit 

Pray for Joy and Obedience 

Galatians 5 :22-26 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another."



This Guy is like Cake!

Last night Tal a great new friend of mine invited me and Chris to a show that was in a giant studio apartment. This place was possibly the coolest place I have ever been. Wide open space, rough looking walls kinda broken down, rustic looking, a busted piano in a corner, and lamps as stage lighting. There was maybe 25 people there and let me tell ya this crowd was crazy diverse. There was hipsters, bearded lumberjacks, stoners, drinkers, hippies, cool people with no real description of their style, and people that just looked crazy. This night was nothing short of a experience.

The greatest part of this night was just letting go. Letting go and not caring what I looked like. We all just danced like nobody cared, because really nobody did. We all let go because this man Calvin Johnson. This man was the lead singer of the final band and he was the strangest of us all. Before his band performed he wondered the entire show wearing these earmuffs and just kinda acting strange. When we found out he was the lead singer for the final band we all got excited to hear what music could possibly come out of this man, pure curiosity and excitement. When the moment finally came we were blown away. If you know the band Cake you have something to compare this man to. It was fantastic music and the environment he created was pure happiness and acceptance. Chris put it best when he said "who cares what you look like when this guy is dancing and acting like this!" This mans dance moves can only be described as silly and free. Think of all those dance moves you made up as a kid and now think of an adult doing them. Ha ha it was great his great act of foolishness made us all comfortable to dance like we wanted because simply put we could not dance funnier than this guy. This night was so much fun and I will never forget it.

After we left the show Chris and I thought about Jesus coming there. We think Jesus would go to places like this, where there people are lost but accept others. A place were people are really just trying to find happiness in really a peaceful way. We couldn't figure out what He would have done there exactly ha ha, we don't know if he would have stopped the show or enjoyed the performance and shared a message of true life to them after the show. We don't know, but what we do know is these places are hard to find among christian circles. This level of acceptance and lack of self consciousness. Everyone today is to afraid of looking like a fool! and because of this boldness is lacking these days. I see it even in myself there are so many things I don't do because "I'll look funny" and to be honest thats not okay! "Since we have such a hope, we are very bold" is said in 2nd Corinthians 3. We are not of this world any way so we already look and act strange to the worlds eyes so why do we fear? Fear not and learn from these people have compassion and dern it don't be afraid to let loose and dance every once in a while!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Series of Unfortunate Events

"What might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may, in fact be the first steps of a journey" a quote I read this morning from the book and movie A Series of Unfortunate Events by Limony Snickets (Daniel Handler). The quote popped up on my tumbler and it's just all to fitting for my life right now. In the past few there has been "a series of unfortunate events" happening. I don't want to go into detail about these events right now because really this would turn into a reallllllllly long blog and most of you would have trouble reading through the entirety of it.

So moving on, I have been trying to discover what I'm learning through these events and also observing myself as I try to handle them (I know crazy concept right? Literally watching and taking notes on yourself?!). Well by working though these "events" and observing myself it put me in a place of reflection. I see how I've matured in my walk and relationship with Jesus through how I handle these "events."I'm seeking more biblical counsel, praying better, and seeking not my will but the will of the Fathers. Regardless about how I "feel" I want the will of the Father above my own wants. He knows what I need and He loves me.

Another thing that has been brought to light through these "events" is that I really struggle to let people in, to really let people know me and help me. I'm much better than I was before Off the Wall but there is still much mystery around me. What I mean by that is there is still allot that my good friends here don't know about how I grew up, what my family and I have been through. All the pain and suffering my family has endured together. Betrayed by family, friends, and even by some good standing people in the church. My mother sister and I have a very lose bond because we are each others only constants besides Jesus. Not to say that Jesus isn't enough, no that's not the issue. the issue is that we have trouble becoming bonded to other people outside of our group in such a way that we show our true emotion and express our real needs. One thing we have gotten good at is concealing our pain. So good in fact that we even when we want conceal it from each other. Nothing is shown unless we want it to be.

This is so dangerous! Its shields us from getting help from people, we take the weight by ourselves. Burdens that God does not want was to hold in. He wants us to express our pain to our biblical community and ask for help and prayer. God is enough yes, but he uses His servants to help as well. So I'm trying to be open about my pain to my community, seek wisdom from them, and be comforted by them. I love them I should let them love me!

So I'm working through these "series of unfortunate events" with my community not on my own.

Ecclesiastes 4:10-"For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spread Love

Melvin is the name of a child that I have herd allot about but have never met. He is an orphan in Guatemala and now been diagnosed with Leukemia. A very good friend of mine went down to the orphanage where Melvin lives and had the opportunity to serve there. During her time there she grew very close to Melvin and he holds a special place in her heart. She is planing on returning to the orphanage to serve for three years soon and its hard for her to get this kind of news and not be able to phyically be there and help. Melvin reminds me allot of the kids I helped serve in Honduras and it's sad to get this kind of news about a child. He has been in my prayers lately and even though I have no physical connection with Melvin my heart go's out to this child. Prayer is the main way we can help Melvin because we know the only one who can truly do anything about Melvins condition is Jesus. He is in control and He Loves Melvin more than we can imagine. So I ask you to read the messages about Melvin below and keep him in you prayers. Help me spread Love and Prayer for Melvin. Thank you

Message 1

We are sending out this message as an S.O.S. for prayer. Our four year old Melvin has been sick for about a month and in the hospital for 2 weeks. They couldn't find the reason for his fever and pain. However today, after a second bone marrow aspiration, he has been diagnosed with leukemia. The doctor says that it is very treatable, so we think that it is acute lymphocytic leukemia. He will be transferred soon to the cancer hospital.

His home mother, Bety, has been at his bedside this whole time except for a couple of nights and brief spells during the afternoons. They only have a plastic chair beside Melvin's bed, so Bety is exhausted as well as emotionally drained. We have some of our oldest girls who have spelled her each day for a few hours. The government hospital where he has been is very primitive in comparison to what we are used to, but we have had to pay very little for all the testing they have done, so we are thankful.

We don't know exactly what is coming next, but we know that this is going to be a long road. We are trusting the Lord that Melvin will recover, but it all feels pretty overwhelming right now, as you can imagine. Bety is the home mother for the older girl house with 10 girls. She also has taken on the task of caring for Melvin's baby brother, Angel David, who was born in December. Bety has no children of her own, but she has a true mother's heart for these kids. We will need extra help to cover for her during this difficult time, and there is no extra in our budget.

Thank you for your prayers and support. It encourages our hearts to have so many standing in the gap with us. We will keep you apprised as we find out more of what is in store.

Message 2

Dear Friends,

I just wanted to let you know that we don't know whole lot more about Melvin and the kind of leukemia he has. As I mentioned in my last message, everything pretty much shuts down during Holy Week. We had hopes that he would be moved to the cancer hospital today; however, we discovered that he has a bacterial infection ("klabsiella" for you medical folks), and they will not receive him in the cancer hospital until he is cured of that infection.

This is particularly frustrating since his defenses are down and he got the infection in the hospital. Did we mention that the hospital where he is located is the Pediatric Hospital of Infectious Diseases? With a name like that, infections are rampant indeed!

On top of that, doctors have not been able to tell us for sure what kind of leukemia he has because the results are languishing in the closed down offices of the hospital somewhere. (Do I sound frustrated?!)

Melvin has had to have a couple of blood transfusions in the last few days, and he feels poorly most of the time so we would appreciate your prayers for him and his pain and comfort levels. He's also a very normal, active, 4 year-old boy which means on top of everything else, he's bored to tears. This hospital has no TV and does not allow any electronics (like a small, personal DVD player). We are able to rotate in a few toys, puzzles, and books. This is not meant as a complaint as much as to give you an idea of how to pray more specifically knowing something of the situation and also the challenge for his home mom, Betty, and others who are caring for him.

Many folks have asked how they can help. We can use extra donations right now to just help with logistics--extra gas (2 round trips a day to the hospital which is about 30 to 45 minutes one way), meals, increased cell phone charges, etc.  We feel that we will have to hire another home mother to take over Bety's other duties, while we continue to pay her. This will be about $325 per month extra.

There are two ways that you can give:

1. Online via our website using Paypal. You can use your credit or debit card or if you have a Paypal account, you can set it up to debit from your bank account. Go to this link on our website: Click on "Donate securely online to NLCH!" and you will be taken to a page where you can enter your donation information. Be advised that though the donation will go to NLAI for NLCH, there is no way to designate your gift for Melvin, so email me the amount of your donation at and we'll track it, making sure it is used as intended.

2. You can send a check to our Houston office. Make your check out to NLAI and attach a separate note designating your gift for "NLCH-Melvin". Mail to: 

New Life Advance International
P.O. Box 35857
Houston, TX 77235-5857

So to summarize, pray...
...for healing from the infection so he can move soon to the other hospital
...pain and comfort levels
...against boredom
...for Betty and the older girls who are staying with Melvin
...extra dose of prayer for Betty and her spiritual, emotional and physical strength
...doctors and a clear, on-target diagnose and solid treatment plan
...provision for all expenses

Ultimately, we are asking for healing, however our precious Lord wants to do it!

Thank you for standing with us. We are thankful!



NLCH Team 

Monday, April 9, 2012


God has been pushing my obedience and my faith lately. It has me in a crazy emotional state and really its a painful process. I'm being guided to decisions without explanation or illumination of the plan ahead. For a while it made me mad with God, but the difference was I still wanted to be obedient. The reality is God's will is above my own and His will is better. Even if at this moment I'm not happy with this decision because I selfishly want immediate satisfaction. I wish I could say that I just easily gave it to God and was at full peace with His will and truly satisfied with waiting. The reality is my heart breaks and this situation is hard, my desire is strong and my emotion overflows. But the truth is God is bigger than this, and His will is above and better than my own. One day I believe He will honor my obedience and I will be blessed, this suffering will be reworded. I Love Jesus and I have given my life to Him and sometimes I need to remind myself of that. He will bring me my blessings in the proper time, all He requests is obedience. All of our decisions have consequences even the decision to fallow His will.

I will be okay, God is good And Jesus is greater.

I'm no longer mad at God. I cant see where this plan leads, besides the broad term of His glory. Witch there is nothing wrong with that I need to be satisfied with that answer. I may may know why these things happen in the future but there is also a possibility that I will never be given an explanation. You know what I don't need one. I trust in faith that Jesus is who He says He is and that His spirit will guide me and continue my sanctification. 

Psalm 31:14 "But I trust in you, O Lord I say, “You are my God.”

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


"Yup body feels like I was hit by a truck and tumbled across the road a bit and my feet feel like they were chewed up by an animal" that was a tweet of mine from last night. When I'm stressed and I need God I like to go on walks. Kinda like how Jesus walked to a special place in the garden to talk to God before His crucifixion. A place to be alone and to seek God. Sometimes I just walk until He tells me to turn back. Like last night, ended up walking all night.

The last week has been a really stretching experience for my relationship with Jesus. I haven't been able to see God's purpose behind His will. He's has just put me through things that I just don't understand. I cant see the purpose and not being able to see the big picture bothers me. It's tested my trust in Jesus and His will. Allot if reminding myself that His will is best and His will is pure. He will not lead me into failure. He will not take me to a person or a place just to fail or get hurt. He has a reason and He has every right to with hold that reason from me if He chooses.

I feel much better about these things now. I have comfort in Jesus and I trust that my obedience will be reworded. I may not be able to see why he had me do this now, and I may never know until eternity, but I'm trusting Jesus. I Love Him and I know He Loves me. Mathew 7:7-11 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" He will give me the desires of my heart Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." It hurts sometimes but God is still Good. Jesus will always be Jesus, He will continue to be Holy Just and Divine. Sometimes when I cant see the big picture is challenge God's character out of frustration and for that I am sorry. I'm happy that God doesn't listen to me or change because I am unhappy with Him. Jesus Loves me, He loves me. I will keep the faith and Love Him. 2nd Timothy 4:7-8