Saturday, January 28, 2012


God has put me into a pretty good spot in life. I cant fully explain how much this community means to me. I truly love my friends here at Off the Wall, along with all the new friends I have made by coming here. I have truly been blessed beyond my understanding. It's still a strange concept for me to grasp that these people that I have only know for a short time care about me. I don't know how to react half the time when they show me that they care and well the only thing I can do is cry. These people have seen me cry here more than probably anybody on this planet. Crying is something that before this community I didn't do except once or twice in the past few years. God has shown me that is okay to show my brokenness before them. I'm safe from criticism and these people realize the seriousness of the matter. Anyone back home in Michigan can give witness that I was a man of stone. Seeing my pain was not something easily seen and if it was visible it wasn't long before I could convince you that I was fine and no one need to worry about me. Here God has taken my stone self and smashed me in the face with his firm hands. My stone is cracked and all my emotions and hardships are bleeding from the cracks. It's very difficult to hide that from people who are willing to invest in me. They notice the little things and ask questions witch is the only real way to get how I'm feeling out to the open. If you look at me and ask me whats going on and I see real intention in your eyes I will tell you. I have never been so vulnerable in my life. These will be life long friends and I would stand fight and give my life for any one of them. These are my Brothers and Sisters and I'm the luckiest man alive to be able to call them that. I thank God often for them and His love has overflown through these people to me. 
                                                                                 Thanks Jesus

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