Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Roller Coaster

Well sense coming back to Michigan things have been quite the roller coaster. Really every day has had extreme highs and some pretty low lows.

Reading my Bible every day became a difficult task but luckily I had some projects set up for myself that involved studying some scripture so that helped me stay on track. Some unexpected drama has entered into my life that I didn't expect but I have some good biblical and wise mentors around to help me through. Really speaking truth and giving advice that only wisdom and experience can give. I am grateful for them.

It hasn't been all bad like I said some extreme highs are in there. First of all is my relationship with this wonderful and beautiful woman Ashley. Ashly really brings a happiness to my heart and soul that really is impossible to express with simply words. I wish I could but really all of you dont really want to hear all that mushy stuff so I'll spare you (be thankful). Ashley has me pushing myself in the word more and more because I know that to lead her correctly I need to know Jesus and His Word. I see so much Love for Jesus in her that it inspires me to keep on the good fight.

Another happy note is I have been reunited with my great friend Sir Ty Dups. He makes me laugh so much and makes every day an adventure. We have serious Jesus talks and really ask each other hard questions about life and God. I really Love this guy.

Working early at the camp has been great for me also. Puts me back in a biblical environment and I get to do work with my hands, witch always makes me happy. There is nothing like reaching the end of you day and sitting down completely exhausted and know that you did good work. And the best part is it's not just a job, this place has a heavenly impact and I'm so glad to help improve, repair, and prepare this place. My hands get all swollen and my body aches but I did my work for the Lord and there is nothing more satisfying. Literally feeling and knowing that I gave it my all. I'm excited for the summer camps to start and really do what I came here for, I came to pore into every kid and inspire and lead them to the Father, to Jesus, and to the Word. It's a big responsibility but I think I have been prepared, I have been given my lion and my bear (refrence to the lion and bear that David slain before he faced Goliath) 

Lastly was this last night when I got to see most of my Off the Wall family! They called and said they were going to be in Michigan for a seize the summer show and wondered if I could make it. Well like I was going to pass up seeing my close biblical family? No! So I went and it was great to see everyone :] It lifted my heart to see them again it feels way to long sense I left. But I will be returning after the summer so I have that to look foreword to :]  Don gave a charge that night from the stage to everyone he had pored into over the years. I really needed to hear the charge to keep my head up and continue the good fight and contend for the faith. I Love Don.

Jude 1:3 "Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints" 

2nd Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

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