Monday, May 14, 2012

The Relationhip Status

   So yeah two days before I left Ohio I decided to get into a relationship.... PFFTT YEAH AND TOTALLY WORTH IT! ASHLEY IS AWESOME!! Yeah shes like approximately 350 miles away, and about to be approximately 1,647 miles away, and yeah shes goin to Guatemala for 3 years starting in January to work at a children's home and love little Guatemalan orphans. But she Loves Jesus and she is totally worth the pain of being apart. I would rather call her mine and be separated by mere distance than to regret not asking this amazing woman, to be a special part of my life and my walk with God.

   Allot of things I read today pointed me to think about us and our journey to our relationship as well as our now started relationship. One was a quote I read on tumbler it read "When we first met, I had no idea you would be so important to me." That is a great way to describe my feeling about when we first met. To be honest I thought she was cute but I didn't go to Off the Wall to find a woman so really the thought that she would be more than a girl at Off the Wall never really set in my mind. I mean heck the first time we really met she was at the guys house knitting with Jill while we watched a movie. I had no clue that as the months passed that she would become more and more important to me.

   The next thing that pointing me to think about our relationship was the new book I'm reading that my pastor gave me, its called "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung. Its about finding God's will, or more about doing something instead of using the excuse of "waiting for God's will to be revealed" to not do anything. Any way this is the quote I want to talk about "We should start looking to God- His character and His promises- and thereby have confidence to take risks for His name's sake." When I thought of going for Ashley I was so afraid of it not being "God's will" and me messing up both our lives. This consumed me in fear and made my life increasingly stressful.. I wasn't reminding myself of the truth and promise that He works all things out for His good will (Romans 8:28). God doesn't tell us every step to take,  I like what Ashly told me tonight while we talked about this book a bit "..was a step of faith for me.. not knowing how things will look or come to be but trusting that God can make it work and happen." Sometimes its a step of faith.

   And I wasn't taking God's character into consideration, God would not make our lives miserable because we decided to be together He wants us to find Love and I find nowhere in the bible where He tore two people away from each other forcefully ending their relationship for a reason as "not being His will" If its not His will it wont happen! And if He so will's it He can end it, but that fear should not be the reason for not acting. I went through quite allot in my pursuit of Ashley but in that pursuit it put me in a place where I learned so much about God's will and character. And as we continue together it is a continual lesson that I am learning more and more about. To be honest a relationship with a beautiful woman that pushes you in your relationship with Jesus and your knowledge of the word and God's character, What else can you ask for?!?! I have never felt a push to have a better relationship with the father than when our relationship started, I need to have a good relationship with Jesus before I can lead this relationship with Ashley. I'm so thankful that she is not a distraction from God but a push to be more like Jesus. I thank Jesus for leading me to such a woman :)

   So yeah this is and extremely long distance relationship and it's going to be hard and full of heart ache and troubles I'm sure, but we know that communication will be a very important part in our relationship and that God is bigger than these miles between us. We know this relationship seems crazy to believers and non-believers alike but we are often described as crazy anyway so thats no big deal. I could go on and on but I know most of you don't want to read all that sappy junk :] so Ill end with this, I'm really happy and proud to call Ashley my girlfriend and I'm looking forward to our future.  

Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

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