Sunday, May 6, 2012


Well sorry I haven't posted in a long time... I have been busy ending the semester with Off the Wall getting time in with everyone before I leave, and unexpected family problems. Then I decided to start a relationship at the end of the semester adding a whole new dimension to my life, but this one I like. All of this demanded allot of my attention and this blog was something I just didn't have time or energy for. But for the next few weeks I'm be back!

As the semester came close to its end I have seen so much improvement in the way I handle things now. I handle them with more confidence in the Lord. I remember more of the promises of God (provision, heavenly security, ect) A big thing has been remembering God's Character. When I fear the situation Jesus has placed me I now ask the Question "Is it in Gods character to do that to me?" It helps me put things into perspective. It reminds me that Jesus is not trying to hurt me! All to often I think we think that what we want and what Jesus wants cant be the same. We might not think that directly but we fear Jesus taking things away from us. God doesn't just take things away, when he does he its for our own good. Our father wants the best for us. Much like when we are children and our parents take something away from us, we kick, scream, cry, and pout. But our parents don't just take something away to make us scream they have a reason, to remove a problem, to stop distraction, to exchange with something better.

but remember if it is good He wont take it away! We need not to guard anything from Jesus. If you fear something being taken ask yourself "Would it be in God's character to do this to me?" "Is there a place in the word to back that up?" The fear of God taking away something can also hinder us from taking it at all! But remember if its good He wont take it. If its something we shouldn't have I think you know you shouldn't have it, a temptation or something that you know leads to sin. But thats different, I'm talking about something you want but the only thing stopping you from getting it is the fear of God taking it away. I don't think thats right, He does not want to deny us blessings.

So if theres something you want, or something you want to do, and the only reason for you not getting or doing it is fear of getting it taken away, STOP LIVING IN FEAR! It could be stopping you from accepting or receiving a great blessing. Think about it, if someone wanted to give you money to help you live would you reject it because your afraid that Jesus will take it away from you? Is that in God's character? NO he wants the best for us and He's not out to make things worse. Remember God's character.

Love Jesus 

Mathew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"

God Abba Father

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