Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Lord Will Humble the Proud

In this last week the Lord has made allot clear to me. The Lord has revealed to me many areas where I fall short. He has shown me the pride, the fear, the stress, the frustrations, the burdens, so much that holds me back. He has shown me areas of my heart where I still think as a child, And he has shown me the meaningless passions of my mind. He has shown me that I have still so much to learn about even the basic parts of Himself. And so much to learn about serving others. A king once said, "Those who walk in pride He is able to humble."(Daniel 4:37) The Lord has shown me my self righteous worth (Romans 3:10). The Only worth I get is from the price paid for me at the cross. Jesus's blood, that is my worth. "I was bought with a price"(1st Corinth.6:20, 2nd Corinth.7:23). Every little bit of Christ that I have seen, I have only the knowledge because He revealed it to me. He revealed it through the mouths of His servants, through the truth in His word, and through his amazing creation. But still I only see because His Holy Spirit opened my eyes. I only know by the grace that the Lord has poured over me.

The Lord has blessed me with many things. I have a wonderful wife, great servants of the faith as teachers, loving friends, and a loving mother. I have more blessings than I even try to comprehend. I don't thank the Lord enough for what He has handed me.

So what do I do? I serve. The Lord said to his disciples in Mark 10 what to do with His power, He said to serve. "But whoever would be great among you must be your servant"(Mark10:43). We are told to be like Jesus, so I will serve (Mark10:45).  I going to fight this desire to make a name for myself and replace it with the greatness of my God. The one who brought me to life, the giver of authority, power, and Love. The only power I have comes from the Lord and with that power I will stand firm for His name and His glory. For His will be done, who am I to say "what have you done?"(Daniel 4:35) for He is a just God. I will serve the Lord, the only one worthy of praise. The Lord will humble the proud.

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