Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Where would I be without the Gospel?

Where would you be without the Gospel? It was a question asked in our young adults bible study. Its a question I have asked myself before, a question that brings me to one of my fears. My fear of being who I believe myself would be without Christ. I think this is a important question that brings to light the importance of the gospel in our lives.

I know that for some people its hard to imagine what they would be like because they were saved at a young age. But I was saved at a young age and i believe I have a pretty good idea who and what I would be.. I have battled it throughout my life.. the choice to pursue the life that I know I would accomplish... A life lead by myself and not the King I serve now... Making myself king... Ever sense I was a little kid I have had a sense of leadership, and others always fallowed. I never had that struggle in my life of not realizing that I was a leader and not liking people fallowing or depending on me. I accepted and embraced it. I wanted to lead others into something great, this was my dream. This dream was not exactly something I just decided I wanted to do but something I thought I was called to, something I was meant to do. As I grew older I began my debate on weather or not I was going to be a leader that lead from within the law or if was going to be a leader of the underground and not be bound by the laws of our society and culture.

So started my struggle with how to still be good but be underground. I was going to be a leader of my own clan. I am a very medieval and mafia style man and I believed in a hierarchy system and I was going to create and lead one. It would have started with my closest friends and I would have built up an earthly thrown. I would have been involved in all kinds of underground, I would have stolen from the rich, I would have taken in the poor, I would have began an empire. I would have stolen, destroyed, and killed. Whatever was necessary for the ones who fallowed me to be safe and strong. I would have defended and fought for this. And probably eventually moved into another country where I could reach more people.  I would build an earthly throne and I would not be a man to oppose. Sure I probably still would have been a good person, stood for what I thought was right, I would keep the peace and bring forth what I saw as justice, but really it would all be empty. All this that I would build, the people I would help, the things I would accomplish would all crumble.... It would all be in my name.. Worthless... Yeah I may not know if any of this would actoully happen, I mean weather or not I believed Gods will still would stand in my life but I do know that would be my goal and purpose. I would bring select people together to protect and provide for a kingdom that I would raise.

But now I see the eternal, I see Jesus and His Love for me and what he has done for me. He died on the cross for me so that I could be with Him in eternity! So that I could be redeemed, adopted, raised up from the dead, glorified, and placed as part of the bride that is the church. I can do things for the Lord that will echo into eternity. I can serve a King greater than I. I can find true Justice in the Lord. I can be a stronger force with the Lord than if i had an army of thousands. I am now part of something bigger than my lifetime and bigger than this world even. Now I can go out with instruction and guidance from the one who is greater than I, and do things that will effect eternity and give people what they really need. Not just solve their temporary problem but show them a great King and provider. I can show them the reason I can do truly good things without selfish motive or gain. God is Good all the time. And I thank Him for His Gospel and His work in my life.

Mathew 6:19-21 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

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