Thursday, October 2, 2014

God help me

My God why do I feel like you are distant from me?
Why do I imagine you as some far off being just floating out there?
Are you not here?
Am I ignoring you?
I believe I am.
I talk of you.
I study your teaching.
I pray to you.
But do I talk to you?
Are you ever present in my mind?
Why am I ignoring my Father?
Why do I not think of the one I have devoted my life to?
What am I doing?
Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
I have let other things take your place.
Lord help me out of this pit.
Your Love everlasting is unwavering.

I am tired of serving.
I want to be served.
I'm tired
I'm tired of fighting this flesh.
I'm tired of loosing.
  The temptation is ever before me.
The lusts of this world are thrust in my face.
It seems good for a moment but I know its poison.
I know its destruction.
I fail.
I give in.
I feel it's rot.

I fall because I think I am strong.
I seek not the strength of the One who dwells in me.
I lean on my own understanding.
Lord deliver me.
Deliver me from my mind my twisted thoughts.
everything good is dependent on you.
Oh Lord the Great Provider.
Lord you are strong when I am weak.
You are the strength in weakness.
Great is the God who took my place.
Great is the God to paid the price for my sin.
Great is the God who could not even be bound by the sin of the world.

Mighty is my Father.
Mighty is my God.
Mighty is my friend.

Lord fill me.
Fill me with your Spirit.
Lord purify this wretched body.
Heal my ailments.
Drive out the darkness.
May I walk with my Father
May I fight the darkness with you.
Lord empower me for all the Good you have for me to do.
Tell me to stand firm.
Tell me to stand with the power that comes with being a son in your Kingdom.

I will sing your praise.
I will worship you.
I will shout to your Glory.
To you oh Lord be the Glory Honor and Praise forever.