Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Power of God

Early this spring I went to Niagara Falls with my soon to be wife Ashley, and our good friends Tal and Natasha. It was a much needed trip to just enjoy friends and recharge. I think I needed this trip more that I could have thought at the moment. This trip reawakened something inside me that I really needed back..... adventure!

This all sparked from really one moment in the trip. We had just got done looking at the falls and we were walking upriver to cross to the other side. I looked over at a log sticking out of the rushing water and all I could do was think about siting on that log. I wanted to sit there with my legs in the water just feeling the water rushing over and around me with such beautiful force. I wanted to feel the terrifying power of the falls. Of course Ashley told me no so I stayed on shore haha. But it really made me realize something, I Love to me in the midst of Gods rushing power! Its a terrifying yet peaceful thing. I men lets be honest the power of God is terrifying when you think about it, a God who can stop your existence at any moment if He wills! A God who has risen and destroyed nations! The God who sets mighty storms, the God who can rain fire from the heavens, the great creator! But yet there is a peace, a peace of security. Knowing that I have a inheritance from this God given to me from Jesus. This God is on my side! He is my protector and my provider. His wrath is not pointed at me but at devil and his schemes. The feeling really overwhelms me and fills me with thankfulness, wonder, and Love for my God. I wonder if this is something I may share with my biblical hero David. For constantly he was in the midst of Gods mighty power. As I read his Psalms I see Gods might and power constantly mentioned. I know not all of Davids heard but maybe he shared this feeling I have. I dont know but what I do know is it brings me closer to God.

All of this It revealed to me that adventure shows me something about God that I just love to dwell in, His mighty power. As I look back it seems that its in my time of adventure that I saw this power most. Maybe its time for more adventures 

Monday, April 8, 2013

God sends

You ever heard the term "God send"? you know like when God sends you someone or a group of someones to do something that needed to be done, or to say something we needed to hear? Well we certainly had a group of God sends a few weeks ago!

God sent us a group of three great men and one lovely couple. Even how this group came to us is a miraculous work of God. We planned on the group of three guys coming but they stopped and picked up this couple who's car broke down. They stopped and talked to them figured out that they are working toward being missionaries overseas, so to make a story short they asked them if they would like to come along haha (this is in Caralinia by the way, we are in Ohio.) I would tell you more but that would be a whole other blog in itself! Anyway back to the God send part, this group was exactly what we needed right when we needed it. Our group was in this state of weariness and discouragement and was struggling to find joy. this group came in busting through our door and full of the spirit of God. They were just spitting truth from scripture, screaming and yelling, laughing, crying, hugging, singing, just being a uplifting force of encouragement. It was amazing to this this gift from The Lord before my eyes. The group stayed for a few days and it was nothing but a blessing filled with testimony and lovingly spurring one another on in godliness.

I'm just thankful for that group and how they allowed themselves to be used by God to encourage us. Thank you Lord for the gathering of your brothers and sisters for encouragement and your glory.