Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Honeymoon Stage?!?!?

People say that me and Ashley are still in our honeymoon stage. They say that this will pass and more challenging things will come. The say the excitement will calm down, and we will fight. They say we are just on a high and we will come down sooner or later. Its not going to be this lovey forever. You wont talk like that to each other like that after your honeymoon stage ends. Bla Bla Bla

This is where I ask the question why? Why does it have to only be a honeymoon stage? Why cant we be like this throughout our relationship? Yeah things get hard and we argue and fight but why does that mean that our Love has become different in its ferocity? If anything it should increase, because through these conflicts through these hard times we strengthen our Love and our understanding of God and each other. Who’s to say that I wont romance her all the days of our life? Yeah is that allot of work and does that mean I go out of my way allot of times to do so? Yes, yes it does and I want to, because every time I see that beautiful face blush and smile its all worth it. I want our relationship to be different than the normal, why cant I strive for something more? I want to make her feel wonderful with almost every breath I breathe. Does that mean I don’t bring up hard issues? No of course not, that wouldn’t be loving her. I’m not saying avoid the hard stuff or the stuff that isn’t exactly “enjoyable” I’m saying that why does the extreme passion and excitement have to leave for that to happen? Yes it becomes more serious but I still have a overwhelming love, a desire for her. I want what’s best for her and if that’s correction that’s what I do and I do it in a way that is biblical and caring. Am I saying we will never be mad at each other? No! that would be ridiculous and fake! But I want to work and fight for our love and who says that cant be exciting and passionate!?!?

I strive for a different relationship than I see in allot of couples. I’m not saying that the way I see other relationships is wrong and I’m not saying “YOUR RELATIONSHIP SUCKS!” No I’m saying I want our relationship to be different. I don’t want to reach that point where our Love has become “normal” that I hear some couples talk about. Why does it seem so impossible to have the Love that I’m striving for? Why is it always only seen as something that can not be grasped in reality? I want to inspire other couples to a new level in their relationship, to strive to be in a constant romance.

 Yeah you can probably put me in the hopeless romantic box but I refuse to believe that its hopeless and nothing but a fairy tail. I strive for a love similar to the story of “The Notebook” (I know calm down and listen to the rest) those two loved each other and didn’t limit themselves by saying there is a level of Love that cant be reached. It's a real story with real people, if unbelievers can reach a Love like that then why can a God centered one be?!?! I want my marriage to represent Christ and the love and passion that He puts forth, a limitless Love and Passion. We never come to a limit when it comes to falling in Love with Christ! If my marriage and relationship with my Love, my wife, is supposed to represent the love of Christ for the church then it shouldn’t be limited or become “normal.” It should be full of discovery of new levels of Love and full of passion, every day my Love for Ashley grows into a level of Love that I never knew before and that’s how my relationship with Christ is or should be as well, although some days I admit I suck but if I see this in my relationship with Ashley it makes me strive for that in my relationship with Jesus it points me to God and I Love that! I want my Love for Christ and my Love for my wife to run in parallel growth! As my Love for Christ grows I have more Love to give to my wife! Its so amazing how my relationship with Ashley has grown my relationship with the Lord because of the comparisons. To know the indescribable Love that is overflowing in the dams of my heart for Ashley is nothing but a glimpse of how much the Father loves us?!?! It’s brought a whole new understanding to me about the Love of our God. I never want that to stop, I never want to stop seeing something about Christ in my relationship with Ashley. Realizing that our relationship revealed that makes me fall even more in Love with Ashley. I want our relationship our marriage to constantly have this back and forth with our relationship with Christ, both benefiting each other and giving more for each other. It’s the key to making this Loving relationship that I strive for work. If Christ isn’t the driving force behind it I know it will fail. For any of the Love that I have the privilege of pouring out on Ashley comes from Him first.  And Its always to show me to show us more of Him and who He is, its all for His glory weather its through the Love that he aluminates through my Love relationship with Ashley or if It’s through a verse that shows me how to better Love her. My Love for Christ shows me how to better Love Ashley and My Love for Ashley shows me how to Better Love my Savior Father God and King. That’s how I plan on living this out…. Lets see how this love story goes